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Clear your cookies

A cookie is a piece of text stored by your browser to help it remember your login information, site preferences, and more. If you are having problems with our site, deleting your cookies will reset your preferences to their default values.

Clearing your cookies in Mozilla Firefox

  1. In your browser’s menu bar, click on “Tools.” (“Preferences” on macOS.)
  2. Click “Options…”
  3. Click on the “Privacy” tab
  4. Click on “remove individual cookies”
  5. Look for cookies ending in
  6. Select them and click “Remove Cookie.”
  7. Click “Close” to exit

Clearing your cookies in Google Chrome

  1. Type chrome://settings/content into the address bar and hit Enter.
  2. Click “All cookies and other site data…”
  3. Depending on the products you use, look for cookies ending in
  4. Click the X to the right of the cookies you want to remove
  5. Click Done

Clearing your cookies in Apple Safari

  1. In the macOS menu bar, select “Safari.”
  2. Click “Preferences…”
  3. On the “Privacy” tab, click “Manage Website Data”
  4. Click on “Show Cookies…”
  5. Depending on the products you use, look for cookies ending in
  6. Select them and click “Remove.”
  7. Click “Done.”
  8. Close the Preferences box
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