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Time summary report

Generate your time tracking history with just a few clicks.

By default, the History page gives you an overview of all your time entries for the week. To view a time entry from a different period, you can apply the date range filter.

Use the time range filter

Filtering your report to show time entries from a specific period is easy. Click on the date filter (located at top right corner of the History page) and select a time range from the options available.

Filter by specific date range

You can also define a custom date range. Go to the last Custom Range option in the Time range filter and select the Start Date and End Date in the calendar view then select Apply. Viewing reports for specific clients, projects and tasks are easy to do too. Select the relevant clients, projects, tasks and billability then click Apply. You can even search for time entries based on their task description. Your report is now ready!

Export your report

Click on the export button and view your report with the two options given; in pdf or excel format. 

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